AP Ergonomics
Workplace Well-being & Ergonomics Consultancy
About AP Ergonomics
We are a workplace consultancy, dedicated to Workplace Ergonomics and Organisational strategy.
Over the last 10 years, our work with varied clients has allowed us to grow in a consultancy firm whose expertise ensures your staff always stay in peak condition.

Because your staff health is your company health

How familiar is this situation ?

With the rise of multiple work settings such as Office, Homeworking, Coworking space....it is possible to see non appropriate posture while working more and more often

The risk of injuries is therefore augmented as per the numbers below

  • Over the next 12 months, 85 % of us will suffer from body pain, with the most common being Neck, Back, Shoulders, Elbow
  • 25 % of us will be impaired in our daily activities
So imagine the costs for your business and, ultimately, your employees
Why choose us?
10 years of Experience
Our experience is based on 3 professional fields : Healthcare, Ergonomics, Change management
This unique blend, combined with a multi-cultural background gives us a wealth of experience, which allows us to understand our clients issues and needs.
We are also well placed to deal with International clients

We proved ourselves like high professionals working with as small companies as with honoured brands.
Individual approach
Every company has its conception and motto. It is the same for individuals.
Reason we don't believe in a "One size fits all approach".
Instead, we believe in an individual approach, looking at both company and individual specificities, with a view of delivering the best possible solution for both parties.
We base our work on facts
Thanks to our wealth of experience, and unique approach, we are able to base our work on 3 pillars
  • Identify the factors responsible for the issues faced by your organisation
  • Analyse those factors through a transversal approach
  • Creates a program which will address those issues
The end-result : More than often, our recommendations will be based on realistic behavioural changes and not expensive tools or toys
Our services
We offer wide range of services, from Workplace Ergonomics to Workplace Strategy
Workplace Ergonomics Audit
When a workplace creates a risk for musculoskeletal disorders, studies have shown that an ergonomic intervention will increase productivity by 5% to 40%, even when there is no absenteeism: prevention is a wise investment.

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) represents the major part of the 15 Billions represented by workplace self-reported injuries and ill health
A cost which can be multiplied by 3 or 4 to take indirect costs into account.
As a result, It is by far cheaper to address any MSD Risks quickly and efficiently before their costs and consequences unravelled and impact your employees moral, and ultimately their productivity through either presenteeism or absenteeism

We are frequently called to intervene on brand new workplaces: the furniture and machines do not fulfil the expectations, open spaces create conflicts, work equipment causes pain, etc.
Whether your company work in an industrial or administrative setting, we come and analyse your workplace, the way it is being used, your employees posture and we give you pragmatic and effective recommendations to improve ergonomics and protect your employees health.

For more details
Wellbeing Program - Design and Implementation
We are great believer that a Healthy employee is a Happy Employee

As the old motto says "Mens sana in corpore sano" ( a healthy mind in a healthy body)
We are convinced that physical and mental health are linked.

Thanks to our Healthcare experience, we know that it is better to prevent issues, through pro-active measures, than just react to them.

Therefore, we are able to help our clients with the mental and physiological health of their employees, by designing Well-being programs, based on facts and not gimmicks

Below are some examples of what we can offer your company

  • Physical well-being program
  • Mental Health awareness
  • Occupational Health Program Implementation
  • Sports Seminar

    For more details
    Workplace Analysis and Strategy
    As we have seen before, Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) can be a costly issues for employers through direct cost, i.e. dealing with employee direct issue, as well as indirect costs
    • Employee Indirect costs (Inability to work, financial consequences, Impact on family...)
    • Company Indirect costs (Necessity to replace employee, loss of productivity, impact on company reputation...

    Over the years , our clients have frequently asked us to intervene on brand new workplaces for various reasons :
    • furniture or equipment do not fulfill the expectations
    • Open spaces create conflicts
    • Work equipment causes pain, etc.
    This is the reason why we always remind our clients the following motto
    "Prevention is better than cure"

    As such, It is by far cheaper to design tools and workspace that are healthy than to improve them later on. Hence, we offer to accompany your design projects from the start by
    • making architects and engineers aware of the importance of human-centered design,
    • working together with your project team, designers and purchase department,
    • advising you during the tendering phase.

    For more details
    Working From Home
    The COVID 19 crisis has seen the explosion of teleworking. But does it always take place in the best conditions?
    Unfortunately, this is often not the case as it is possible to see it through the various studies and testimonies published in the press. This is why we have set up two services to support individuals in adopting a better posture.
    The seating clinic
    Between the wish to be well installed and the desire not to have too much of an impact on the atmosphere of the family home, it can be complicated to find the right chair to adopt the right posture when working from home is very often a real challenge.
    This is why we have set up our "Seating Clinic" which revolves around a process as simple as possible in 3 steps:
    • You send us photos of your working environment
    • We analyze these photos
    • We send you a report with critical areas for improvement, and tips to avoid future problems
    Workspace Optimization
    In addition to the audit of your current working environment, we help you to optimize it, through personalized advice In your choice of office equipment In learning your equipment Our goal: "That your body is no longer the variable of adjustment of your posture"
    What will you get?
    A clear and precise understanding of your problems
    Thanks to our intervention, you will obtain a clear and precise audit of the situation to be addressed, as well as adapted recommendations.
    Save your company time and money
    Further to our work, you will obtain a clear and precise audit of the situation to be addressed, as well as adapted recommendations. The implementation of adequate solutions will quickly resolve the problems and therefore minimize:
    • The duration of the problem
    • The financial impact of the problem
    Increase your productivity
    By preventing the risks of Musculo-skeletal issues as well as Mental Health issues through implementing concrete policies, you will improve the Wellbeing@work within your company in a sustainable and perennial manner which will result into increased productivity
    Contact us:
    +00 44 777 292 0843
    United Kingdom - France - Switzerland
    AP Ergonomics - 2019©
    All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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